Magandhi Hostel

you can reach this superb hostel at
Av. Olazabal 3691, Buenos Aires, Argentina




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It is located in Belgrano, the most secure and exclusive neighborhood of the city.
Some of the services we provide are Wi-Fi, breakfast, 24 hrs security, DVD, board games, bed sheets, social events, traditional home made food, touristic getaways & much more!

Guests at the Magandhi can benefit from its convenient location. It is just 5 km from Jorge Newberry Airport, and a 15-minute drive from Recoletta.

It is located in Belgrano, the most secure and exclusive neighborhood of the city, just a few minutes away from Palermo, the most fashionable neighborhood. Palermo is also the place to go for a drink (Palermo Hollywood), visit Art galleries (Palermo SoHo) and enjoy Buenos Aires nightlife.

Please Note:

Check in: 1:00 p.m.
Check out: 11 am
Method of payment accepted: Credit and Debit card Visa or Master Card. Cash.

The Basic 6 bed mixed room does not include breakfast.

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14986 Hostels in Buenos Aires (Argentina)

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